Monday, April 23, 2012

To Technology! And Beyond!

Whether you embrace it or bash it, use it or refuse it, technology has embedded itself in every aspect of our lives. It isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so everyone might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride. That being said, I think we can expect many exciting advances in technology in the next five years, especially in the setting of the school classroom. In coming years I believe that new technological innovations will quickly disseminate into the daily instruction of teachers as more and more of those teachers become young, technologically savvy educators. I expect to see more teacher use podcasts, blogs, websites, and audio files to reach and stimulate their pupils. I also imagine that these advances will allow more parental insight and participation within the classroom, a much needed side of learning since parents struggle keeping up with their children nowadays. I think all of these technologies will be used regularly in classrooms in five years to help facilitate instruction.

            Overall, I feel that technology is changing education for the best. New technologies are breaking down the once opaque walls of the classroom and replacing them with the clearest of glass. Now, teachers, students, parents, administrators, and the community can all see what is taking place in the classroom and make the appropriate changes when needed. I also feel that education can now be transported more easily to the students’ home. What I mean is, that with new technology, students can now access school documents and study materials from home and in that way; learning can take place 24/7.Technology also allows educators to accumulate material from around the world in seconds with the help of the internet and the mountains of information databases available. Using this, teachers can use the most up to date and accurate information in their lesson plans.

            Teachers are reaching their students in a different way today by using technology students are already familiar with. No longer is the traditional lecture the best way to convey a learning objective. Students today are more technologically apt than ever, and as teachers, we need to harness this ability of theirs and incorporate it into our teaching. By doing so, we are reaching our students educationally in various different learning methods, whether it is spatial, auditory, kinesthetic, etc. Students are changing and so are teaching methods, so as future educators we must stay abreast of all the technologies that can help improve our instructing styles. So, in a few years we’ll find ourselves at the pinnacle of these decisions. The brink of another school year. We’ll have a classroom of wide-eyed students waiting for us and we’ll have a thousand choices to make. What to teach? How to teach? What to use to facilitate todays lesson? And most likely, new technologies will help answer each and every one of these questions. 

            Below you will find an AudioBoo file that details how I believe Podcasts can be used in the classroom and how I hope to one day incorporate them into my lessons. Take a listen by clicking on the “Play” button below. Enjoy!

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